I bet when someone asks you how you are doing, the answer is always ‘busy’ along with a half-hearted smile, hoping someone would truly get what you mean.

You feel stressed & overwhelmed. Every day is the same… there’s always too much to do, but never enough time to do it.

You are exhausted. The weight of your responsibilities zaps every ounce of energy you have yet you are unsure of where to cut back… or even how.

You are frustrated by your lack of self-care. You know you are not taking care of yourself, but where can you find the time to do so and do it without feeling guilty?

You are tired of feeling stuck yet the idea putting the work into having something more, something better is flat out scary.

“How can I move forward when I don’t know which way I’m facing?”

The sinking feeling of self-doubt rushes in with unshakeable thoughts of ‘What if I fail?’ You begin to wonder if you should settle and surrender to what society has defined as the norm … this is just the life of a ‘Busy Mom’.

If Motherhood is the most challenging yet most rewarding role you will ever take on, when does it get better?

That question brings us here, to this very moment.

Yes, you’ve been busy…but busy doing what?

Busy searching. Searching for something better.

I know this because I was once where you are.

You’ve been on a quest to find something more than the promise of a shiny, new, cutting edge program.

The days of “I’ll try this and hope it works” only to falter and place blame are long gone.

It’s time to trade perfect for purpose.

You desire something more meaningful, more fulfilling.

You need someone who ‘gets’ YOU.

Someone who understands what it really means to be a MOM… from the daily TO DOs, the many hats worn and the energy required to juggle it all…to enjoying the simple moments of each day.

Someone who believes in you and knows what you are capable of doing, having and achieving along with making sure you follow through.

Someone to show you the way through chaos and the distractions with a no-nonsense approach to creating the calm, the clarity, the simplicity you crave.

Bottom Line: As a Mom you simply want to feel good and be happy as this will inevitably improve all areas of your life!

You Are In The Right Place.

You have found the bridge from where you are to where you want to be… and I’ve got your back!

Because there is no reason why you must do this alone. By sharing in the ups and downs of our journey, we gain perspective and see solutions. Plus, we all need someone who gives us the courage to be who we were meant to be.

To help you move forward from this point my request is for you to envision what I have in store for you.

Allow Me To Introduce You To …FUTURE YOU.

gold-chevron-arrowYou are the MOM who awakes each morning with purpose, ready to take on the day and all the adventure it brings.

gold-chevron-arrowYou have the reassurance of the day’s plans at your fingertips, complete with Plan B as you know ‘life happens.’

gold-chevron-arrowYou move with ease and confidence between the various roles in your day.

gold-chevron-arrowYou experience more enjoyment and happiness as part of most everything you do as you are able to rise above the distractions and dedicate your time on what’s important to you and your family.

gold-chevron-arrowYou have the courage and the desire to try new things, to push past the fear and pursue what you want…the things that bring you joy.

gold-chevron-arrowYou continue to improve daily because you have the determination to reach for your goals, the grit to get past any obstacle you encounter and you’ve mastered the strategies it takes to live your life to it’s fullest.

How do I know this?

How can I see this ‘future you’ and your potential?

Very simply because I’ve lived it… both sides of it. In fact at the age of 44 I spent the majority of my adult life lost, aimlessly wandering despite my relentless efforts to hope and wish for something better or the forced practice of finding the positive in each circumstance.

Mom. Wife. Coach. Entrepreneur. Joyful.

If I had to sum up who I am in just 5 words it would be these five.

I have two incredible boys, a loving husband and an online business that allows me to spend my time connecting, coaching and empowering women whom I adore.

In the past decade, I’ve coached over 33,000 moms through a variety of online fitness products, programs and transformation challenges. I created one of the most popular online fitness brands for moms in the world, Fit Yummy Mummy. This alone has allowed me to help moms around the globe become healthier, more fit…and more importantly – happier. In addition, this experience has provided me with opportunities to speak at national fitness conferences, contribute to fitness magazines like Women’s Health and Shape…and also allowed me to share my message in places like USA Today, on CBS, ABC and Fox.

Along the way, I co-authored a pair of best-selling books, developed over 30 different workout programs and even created my own certification to support Moms coaching Moms using the Fit Yummy Mummy Fat Loss System.

The best part of all of this… I’ve been able to do all of these things and more while working from home, spending time with my boys and enjoying the type of lifestyle I would have never thought possible just a few short years ago.

How Can I Help You On Your Journey?

gold-quotes“I typically tend to be an all or nothing type of person, all in, or all out.  The guidance to establish new life goals are slowly training me to see that I CAN succeed at something on a daily basis.  This is HUGE.  They are bite-sized enough that even though life has been hard and, yes, “busy,” I have been still able to do something for me in improving myself each and every day.  It has also helped train me to “just do it” and let go of my perfectionism a little bit.  This challenge experience is teaching me that any action is better than no action and that it doesn’t have to be hard.  It’s the whole concept of eating an elephant one bite at a time.  Love it! Thanks for being a part of the healing process and for encouraging being strong even when it’s hard:). I look forward to more growth and challenges in the future.  Thanks for all you do!

Juventa Vezzani

gold-quotesI know I am better because I feel better. My mood has uplifted. I feel at peace. I feel less of the overwhelm and give myself much more grace and forgiveness, I have also put self-care as one of my priorities each day. My husband and mom and close friends have noticed my change as well. I noticed this was different when I first came across Holly on Facebook and watched her video on Perfectionism. And I was hooked! I watched each new hack. And I caught up on Hack #1 too. I knew I had to do the 6-week challenge. Before this, I was having weekly meltdowns. Praying all the time for peace. (I still do but I am much more happier) I felt I was getting anxiety and should get medicine for that. I felt trapped and stuck and overwhelmed with my responsibility of wearing so many hats…..woman, wife, mom, stepmom friend. Thank you, Holly!!!! I loved doing this challenge and love becoming the better person/version of myself!

Elizabeth Henley

gold-quotes“I just want to say thanks so much for your amazing program and all of your hard work in supporting all of us moms who want to look and feel better.  Everything that you say makes sense! It hits home and it just motivates me. Putting me back into focus has been the missing link. Each time I do I feel like I have more control over my life. I feel so much better about myself and have found a balance in my life. It’s a big deal!! Finally! I like my new confidence.  I’m really grateful that I found you and followed your program.”

Andrea Bergve
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